L'offre CSS Google Shopping by Ad's up Consulting

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    Ad’s up consulting au service de vos campagnes google shopping

    Augmentez votre trafic sans impacter votre budget et gagnez en performance grâce à notre Comparison Shopping Service (CSS).

    Comparison Shopping Service, the benefits

    Following a decision by the European Commission, Google has put measures in place to improve the visibility of its competitors in Google Shopping search results. Advertisers now have the option of using price comparators (CSS), offering them CPC rates that are particularly advantageous for their shopping campaigns. With Ad's up CSS, save up to 20% on your Google Shopping media campaign expenses!

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    CSS partner certification, an assurance of quality service

    We work with a CSS Partner, so we can offer our clients access to many benefits for their shopping campaigns, including all available discounts, exclusively reserved for CSS partners.

    Find out in seconds how much you can save if your shopping campaigns were switched to Ad's up CSS.

    How it works


    Just 3 steps to get started!

    1. We link your Google Merchant Center to our CSS Partner.

    2. Based on your feed, we put your products online on our Comparison Shopping Service (CSS).

    3. Your ads appear normally in Google Shopping search results.


    • CPC triangle-up-vert
    • Clics triangle-up-vert
    • Ventes triangle-up-vert
    • ROI triangle-up-vert
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    CSS by Ad's up, in numbers

    Case study

    With the introduction of our Comparison Shopping Service, many advertisers have already seen their CPC decrease, without any loss to distribution. In some cases, there has even been an increase in their share of votes.

    Coming from different sectors of e-commerce, ranging from perfumery and cosmetics, to clothing, to B2C service distributors, our advertisers have seen a marked change in the performance of their Google Shopping campaigns

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    Fashion & Textiles Industry

    triangle-up-vert-19% CPC


    triangle-up-vert-18% CPC

    Decoration Industry

    triangle-up-vert-20% CPC

    Services B2C

    triangle-up-vert-19.2% CPC

    Google shopping news

    Stories by Ad's up

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