Ad’s up expertise, Display, AdWords, RTB, programmatic

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    Media purchase/programmatic display RTB

    Focus on programmatics which now represents 2/3 of the Display!

    Today, with Display's various purchasing techniques you can meet all your advertising objectives, whether that's traffic, performance or visibility. We adjust your strategy according to your media planning (visibility/reputation) or audience planning (finer targeting, performance, returns on investment) goals.

    Ad's up's trading desk, a programmatic agency, relies on the DSP DoubleClick Bid Manager to buy programmatics directly, but alsoat real-time auctions. Through Ad-Exchanges, we find the best placement and audiences for you at the best price.

    Programmatics now accounts for 2/3 of the display

    Advertisers can target specific audiences, specific types of sites, and use banner or video formats in mobile, tablet and computer environments. Ad's up uses Google data, 1st party data, data publisher (2nd party), and data from DMP partners (3d party) to target user profiles that match your core audience.

    We analyze the interactions of each point of contact with a global and cross-functional perspective before, during or after the act of purchase,. Ad's up will help you create synergy between search and display levers in line with your business model.

    Ad-Exchange et DMP (Data Management Platform)

    Ad's up is connected to all marketplaces - open or private - and 3P data through its internal DSP Display & Video 360.

    • Logo Spotify
    • Logo Acxiom
    • Logo Advideum
    • Logo Adyoulike
    • Logo Exelate
    • Logo Ligatus
    • Logo Media-square
    • Logo Oracle-bluekai
    • Logo Quantum
    • Logo Taboola
    • Logo Teads
    • Logo Webedia

    Display shopping methods

    • Icône Open Auctions

      Open Auctions

      Hundreds of buyers competing

    • Icône Private Auctions

      Private Auctions

      Invitation-only auctions

    • Icône Preferred Deals

      Preferred Deals

      Fixed price, one-to-one deal

    • Icône Programmatic Guaranteed

      Programmatic Guaranteed

      Deal direct, broadcast in programmatics

    • Icône Traditional tag-based

      Traditional tag-based

      Deal direct, broadcast traditionally



    • Audience lists
      • Customer data (1P)

        The data is owned by the advertiser, this may include offline resources (point of sale, email collection etc.) and online resources (e-mail, remarketing list, etc.)

      • Publisher data (2P)

        The data is owned by the publisher, via its own audience

      • Google Data

        Google proprietary data, based on signals from Google solutions' users (Chrome navigation, YouTube video viewing, etc.)

      • non Google Data (3P)

        Data owned by third-party providers (DMP) who use information that is not collected by the advertiser or publisher

    • Demographics
      • Targeting by age group, gender, etc

    • Geo
      • Targeting by geographic area, country, city, region, etc

    • Days & time
      • Targeting by time of day, day of the week, etc


    • Inventory source
      • Targeting by inventory source

    • Brand safety
      • Targeting on sites containing quality and secure content for the advertiser

    • Apps and url
      • Targeting by web or app

    • Keywords
      • Contextual Targeting

    • Categories
      • Targeting by category

    • Environment
      • Targeting by environment type

    • Inventory source
      • Targeting by inventory source

    • Viewability
      • Visibility of creatives by Internet users (minimum 1 second view created on the page)

    • Language
    • Targeting video
      • Targeting locations compatible with creative videos


    • Web browser
      • Targeting by browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.)

    • Devices
      • Targeting by user device

    • Connection speed
      • Targeting based on the user's connection speed

    • Carrier/ip
      • Targeting by IP range

    Ad Formats

    Responsive Ads

    A new generation of ads that replaces the old text ads format. With this flexible format, create ads that automatically adjust their size, appearance and format to fit the available advertising spaces.

    ... Read more

    Static or animated image ads

    Use graphics and animation in your ads by importing your own graphic banner games.

    Dynamic display ads

    If you don't have a creative agency or web designer on hand, you can create custom banners within the Google Ads interface that capture the graphics on your website. Your charter is respected and you can start distributing immediately on Google's huge Display network.
    With dynamic ads, you can also automatically create rich-media ads which are adapted according to the user's geographic location as well as the content that they are looking at, meaning you deliver a more effective message. On your marks, get set, advertise!

    ... Read more

    Lightbox Ads

    Enjoy an attractive and interactive ad format to reach, tempt and engage people. You only pay when they interact with the ad. Your brand gets added value.

    ... Read more

    Video Ads

    Video ads can be an effective way to get your name out there. With the in-stream format, stream a 15- or 20-second video ad within video content on Display Network sites that can't be deactivated.

    ... Read more

    Native Gmail Ads

    Show expandable interactive ads above the "Promotions" tab in Gmail inboxes. You only pay for the first click that triggers your ad and associated email to open. When the user clicks, they view your full-page ad in the body of the email. You don't need to create anything: the interface offers a gallery of custom models.

    • Image model
    • Single product promotion
    • Multi-product promotion
    • Catalogue creative

    You can, if you choose, create and import a custom format that you have designed yourself.

    ... Read more

    Dynamic Gmail Ads

    With dynamic remarketing built into Gmail, capitalize on people who are interested in your products directly in Gmail. Link this new format to your Google Merchant Center feed to introduce users to the products they have previously viewed, directly into the body of emails!

    ... Read more

    Truewiew for shopping

    Get more out of YouTube with video format displaying clickable cards (image + price) dynamically within the video with Google Merchant Center.

    ... Read more

    Image ad to promote your App

    Promote your mobile app with the help of a banner on the Display Network that encourages users to download your app.

    Quality locations

    We use a full range of advanced technologies to ensure respectful distribution on quality media

    • check-vert
      Active view

      Ensure your ads are viewed

    • check-vert
      Fraud protection

      Ensure your ads are seen by humans

    • check-vert
      Content Verification

      Ensure your ads are viewed in an appropriate context

    • check-vert
      Brand Lift

      Measure what your audience thinks of ads

    • check-vert

      Ensure your ads are well received by the target audience

    • check-vert
      Cross Device Measurement

      Measure cross-device conversion as your ads run


    Brand Lift Reports

    Which demographic audience generates the most awareness for your brand?

    We measure the impact of your actions on your brand image and reputation with Survey.

    Our Tools

    Organic Search Growth

    Do your campaigns encourage people to search for your brand or products?

    We analyze the evolution of search activity on Google and YouTube engines for your brand.

    Our Tools

    Case study

    Corsica Ferries
    Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) 20% reduction
    56.5% of visitors to the site
    Logo Corsica Ferries

    Corsica Ferries unifies its acquisition channels with the full stack GMP

    In 2018, Corsica Ferries decided to use Ad's up to redesign the entire digital strategy of their shipping company, with the aim of increasing its reputation but also and above all to be able to understand the ROI of their investments. Display and Video 360 has completely transformed the brand's vision of its business, enabling it to reach consumers on a large scale and generate new customers. The challenge for Corsica Ferries was therefore to perform using a mix of visibility (reputation) and profitability (ROI) in order to maintain its leading position in France and gain market share in other territories.

    By carefully allocating their investments through the integration of the Google Marketing Platform and more specifically Google Analytics 360, Search Ads 360 and Display and Video 360, the brand has seen its results soar, with 56.5% of visitors to the site.

    + 43% whitepaper downloads
    + 35% downloads of the Cozy Touch app then over the medium term
    Logo Atlantic

    Foolproof connectivity for Atlantic

    As the French leader in thermal comfort, Atlantic has been established in the heating and boiler market offering innovative and tailor-made solutions for 45 years. In line with the connectivity issues faced by its sector, the brand has developed a mobile app allowing buyers to directly link their product for better monitoring. Atlantic's challenge has been to democratize their app and its ease of use with its customers via a whitepaper designed to show their buyers how to control their products remotely via the app or consult their detailed consumer reports.

    As the agency already working on the brand's SEA acquisition campaigns, Atlantic naturally turned to Ad's up's RTB experts to define a specific strategy for increasing the number of downloads of their whitepaper, by running a programmatic campaign using third party data(3P). Ad's up designed Atlantic's RTB strategy around a comprehensive array of advanced tools to ensure that their ads were distributed in quality media. By targeting profiles of Internet users corresponding to their core target, the agency's support allowed them to generate a real synergy between the Search and Display levers, adapted to their business model. The RTB programmatic strategy enabled Atlantic to reach 2,249,266 unique affected individuals and 81.2% of views on its whitepaper. Building on this successful experience, the brand, which is currently working on a new media plan, has already decided to include the programmatic lever in its future acquisition strategy.